

The intricate tapestry of the fragrance world is a space we, at DPLG, have deeply woven ourselves into. Since our inception, fragrances have not just been about scents for us; they've been a narrative of brand identity and storytelling. Venturing beyond mere olfactory experiences, we've sculpted the very essence of brands into aromatic masterpieces.

Each crafted fragrance is a mirror, reflecting a brand's ethos and vision. Our journey with renowned brands hasn't just been about crafting unique scents but fostering symbiotic relationships. As they lend their esteemed names, we ensure their legacy resonates in every note, while safeguarding their identity through exclusive rights.



Jean reno: A Tribute to Women

With a profound passion for artistic creation and a deep admiration for the essence of womanhood. This sentiment led to the creation of his perfume crafted as an ode to women everywhere – “Jean Reno Loves You,” Every note is a heartfelt tribute to the enduring spirit and indomitable strength of women.

DIANE VON FURSTENBERG:  Essence of Femininity

A new perfume that aromatically embraces the multifaceted brilliance of its creator, embodying the very essence of femininity. A true tribute to this remarkable journey of self-expression and empowerment.

BORSALINO: A Glimpse of Past and Future

We are excited to collaborate with Borsalino, an upcoming venture that promises to captivate your senses. Since 1857, Borsalino has represented the maximum expression of Italian excellence in the production of hats, with an artisanal savoir-faire that has been handed down from generation to generation. Today, the Made in Alessandria Maison is expressed through a modern concept of beauty that combines creativity, spirit of innovation and manufacturing skills.


At DPLG, we're always seeking opportunities to expand our network. We are committed to our existing brands and recognize there are potential opportunities to support medium-sized brands seeking to amplify their fragrance offerings.

DPLG offers a unique proposition – we provide safety, innovation, and access to untapped brand potential. By partnering with us, brands can retain the security of their established name while exploring new frontiers. Our promise is to safeguard their brand while introducing it to fresh horizons and a vast customer base.

In a world of limitless expansion possibilities, DPLG is your bridge to uncharted territory. Join us on this exciting journey and unlock the boundless potential that lies ahead.

Chantal Roos

a special partner

She is a legend in the perfume world. A Parisian through and through, in love with beauty and the people who create it, a visionary marketing professional who has worked with some of the world’s top designers. First she launched Opium with Yves Saint Laurent in 1976. Then came Kouros and Paris. Jean Paul Gaultier, Issey Miyake and Tom Ford all followed suit. Chantal Roos is a strong woman in a man’s world, who has made her mark through talent, instinct and daring.



Collaborating with Chantal Ross to create the fragrance, and design a mould.

Production will be made in Europe, and raw materials sourced all over the world.

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